Hello! A local bridge is under construction near our home, so please follow these revised directions if you are coming to visit. You'll be glad you did!
Driving Directions to
On the Lakefront
Carolyn Fortuna and Steve Hanley
P.O. Box 206, 115 Sand Dam Road
Chepachet, RI 02814
From Boston: Take 95 South to 295 South to Route 44 West. Follow 44 West Go through Chepachet Center, totaling about 9 miles. Bear left onto Pine Orchard Road extension and left again onto Pine Orchard. Go approximately 1.5 miles. Pine Orchard becomes Chestnut Hill Road at its end. Go straight for about .25 mile. Take right onto Sand Dam Road.
From New York City: Take 95 North to Route 395 North to Route 6 East. After about 10 miles, bear left onto Route 6 Bypass and take a left at the next traffic light onto Route 102 North. Follow 102 about 5 miles to a stop light. Go left onto Snake Hill Road. After about 1 mile, take a right onto Anan Wade Road. At T in road, go right onto Chestnut Hill Road. Follow until Sand Dam Road on right.
From Warwick (airport): Follow the airport connector toward Route 95. Take 95 South one exit to Route 295 North to Route 44 West. Follow 44 West about 9 miles. Bear left onto Pine Orchard Road extension and left again onto Pine Orchard. Go approximately 1.5 miles. Pine Orchard becomes Chestnut Hill Road at its end. Go straight for about .25 mile. Take right onto Sand Dam Road.
From Eastern Connecticut: Follow 395 South to Route 44 East. Go approximately 9 miles. Bear right onto Pine Orchard Road extension and right again onto Pine Orchard. Go approximately 1.5 miles. Pine Orchard becomes Chestnut Hill Road at its end. Go straight for about .25 mile. Take right onto Sand Dam Road.
From Hartford: Take I-84 to Exit 69 (Willington/ Route 74). Go right off ramp to light after railroad tracks. Continue on Route 74 for about 7 miles to intersection with Route 44. Go left on route 44 for about 20 miles, through Putnam, CT and into Chepachet, RI. Go approximately 9 miles. Bear right onto Pine Orchard Road extension and right again onto Pine Orchard. Go approximately 1.5 miles. Pine Orchard becomes Chestnut Hill Road at its end. Go straight for about .25 mile. Take right onto Sand Dam Road.
From New York State: Take the Massachusetts Turnpike to Auburn, Mass. Pick up Interstate 395 South at the junction with Route 290. Its sounds complicated but the route is well marked. Then follow the directions just above for Eastern Connecticut.
From Central Massachusetts: Follow 146 South to Route 102 South. Go about 9 miles. Go right onto Latham Farm Road. Continue straight through stop sign until next stop, which intersects with Route 100. Turn right on Route 100. Go about 1 mile. Take left onto Reservoir Road. Follow Reservoir Road to end. Go right onto Route 44. After about .5 mile, go left onto Pine Orchard Road extension and left again onto Pine Orchard. Go approximately 1.5 miles. Pine Orchard becomes Chestnut Hill Road at its end. Go straight for about .25 mile. Take right onto Sand Dam Road.
Sand Dam Road is where we live, at the very end. It is a one-lane dirt road (the street sign hangs high on a telephone pole only in the westbound direction). Two white houses are situated on each side of the road headway. Sand Dam Road is just after driveway for 182 Chestnut Hill Road. You will note the first white circular sign for Blueberry Pointe on the pole.
We are an island at the very end of the Sand Dam Road, ½ mile down the hill from Chestnut Hill Road. Follow the white circular blueberry signs.
As you pass the state boat ramp on the left, continue bearing right.
Bear right at the telephone pole with the rectangular sign for the Blueberry Pointe property and parking area.
[Remember, take the turn to the
You’ll see ahead of you our main house: a large white house with white wraparound decks and blue and salmon colored trim. Once the lake comes into view straight ahead, drive slowly past our neighbors’ green/ blue garage on the left and the green house on the right. Please drive slowly across the short one-lane causeway so as not to disturb wildlife or human life.
Once you get to the end of the causeway, park to the right in the driveway. We recommend backing into your space, so you won’t have to negotiate around other cars on the way out later. Welcome to Blueberry Pointe on the Lake.