One of the properties located nearby is called the Sprague Farm. Here's information that the Glocester Land Trust provides about hiking and walking on the Sprague Farm trails.
"Sprague Farm is thelargest and most popular property of the Glocester Land Trust and has miles of trails. Whether you have 30 minutes or several hours, there is a trail for you to enjoy. Just print out the easy-to-follow Trail Map and come out to Sprague Farm on Pine Orchard Road, which is two miles west of Chepachet village.
All the trails are easy to walk. You don't need any special clothing, just wear sturdy comfortable walking shoes or preferably lightweight hiking boots. The Trail Description has three walks: a 1/2 mile walk which takes 30 minutes, a 1 mile walk of 1 hour, and a 2.5 mile walk of 2 hours. Each walk takes a different trail.
Please note that deer hunting season at Sprague Farm starts on October 1st. During hunting season (Oct 1 to Jan 31) we recommend that you wear a day-glow/safety orange hat and vest. Basically the hunting season is Archery from Oct 1 to Jan 31, Muzzle Loading weapons in November, and Shotguns in December.
Sprague Farm, and all Land Trust properties, are open year 'round from dawn to dusk.
Questions? - please contact Roy Najecki 647-3631 or Roy@GlocesterLandTrust.orgor the Chair of the Glocester Land Trust at chair@glocesterlandtrust.org "
Sprague Farm Trail Map
Sprague Farm Trail Description